'Land of the two suns' —
NASA has created retro posters advertising imaginary vacations on distant planets. Kepler-16b is billed as the "land of two suns" for the twin orbs that shine down on it.

Red lawn —
Kepler-186f orbits a cooler, redder sun, earning it the tag line "where the grass is always redder" on NASA's poster.

Searching for new worlds —
Kepler-186f is one of more than 1,000 alien worlds discovered by the NASA Kepler space observatory since it was launched in March 2009.

'Experience the gravity of a Super Earth' —
Twice the volume of our planet, HD 40307g is described on NASA's poster as a "Super Earth."

Long way to go for a vacation —
This illustration, by J. Pinfield of the Rocky Planets around Cool Stars network, depicts HD 40307g as a terrestrial world partially covered by oceans. The planet is 264 trillion miles away from Earth.