NASA's latest additions to their Galaxy of Horrors poster collection have released just in time for Halloween. They feature a deadly gamma ray burst, a dead galaxy and mysterious dark matter.

NASA has shared this "flares of fury poster" after the discovery of AU Mic b, an exoplanet less than 32 light years from Earth. Because the star is young and active, it lashes its nearby planet with radiation.

Three zombie worlds orbit the core of an exploded star that lashes out with radiating pulses in a new NASA poster.

Rain made of glass and screaming winds seven times the speed of sound may warn travelers away in a new poster from NASA.

The Studio at JPL designed retro interplanetary travel posters featuring our solar system and exoplanets. Once every 175 years Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune align. NASA's Voyager mission was designed to take advantage of this alignment in the late 1970s and the 1980s.

This poster shows Mars as a habitable world. The posters — the brainchild of The Studio, the design and strategy team at JPL — are a way to celebrate the discovery of planets. JPL Visual Strategist David Delgado said of the designs: "All of these far off places are hard to get to, but they are there. The immediate thought was, if we could go there someday, what would it be like?"

There's no place like home. NASA's earth science missions study our planet as a whole system — to understand how it's changing.

This poster imagines the "best" vantage point on Venus to spot the Mercury Transit — or when Mercury comes between the Sun and Earth.

Ceres is the closest dwarf planet to the sun and the largest object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Could the planet be a future rest stop en route to Jupiter?

Is this the most incredible light show in the solar system? Jupiter's auroras are hundreds of times more powerful than Earth's. This poster depicts the Jovian cloudscape.

Jupiter's icy moon Europa is believed to conceal a global ocean of salty liquid water twice the volume of Earth's oceans.

Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has a surface shaped by rivers and lakes of liquid ethane and methane. In this depiction, visitors could paddle through the Kraken Mare.

Enceladus' icy jets have a pivotal role in creating Saturn's E-ring. Other findings from NASA's Cassini mission showed strong evidence of a global ocean and hydrothermal activity beyond Earth.

In 1995, scientists discovered 51 Pegasi b. The exoplanet is about half the mass of Jupiter.

HD 40307 g is an exoplanet located 42 light-years away. Its gravity would be at least twice as strong as it is on Earth.

The extrasolar planet Kepler-16b is billed as the "land of two suns" for the twin orbs that shine down on it.

Kepler-186f orbits a cooler, redder sun. The discovery of Kepler-186f was a step in finding worlds with similar characteristics to Earth.

PSO-J318.5-22 belongs to a special class of free-floating planets, called rogue. They wander alone in the galaxy and do not orbit a parent star. The planets glow faintly from the heat of their formation until they cool down completely.