The Donald Trump travel guide —
Donald Trump is truly a man of the world, even if the world doesn't always see it that way. Click through the gallery to see what we mean.

Scotland —
Here, Scottish folk touched by Trump's economic investment in their community, leave messages of thanks daubed on shed.

Mexico —
Can this fiery Mexico City tribute to The Donald be anything less than homage?

Germany —
Despite its best efforts not to be, Kallstadt is Trump's German ancestral home.

Czech Republic —
Clearly not content with being known just as the birthplace of the first Mrs. Trump, the Czech town of Zlin in 2014 staged the country's largest ever pillow fight.

Slovenia —
Matching stares! No wonder folks in Mrs. Trump #3's Slovenian hometown have taken The Donald to their hearts.

Indonesia —
Bali: Only a Trump-branded tower away from becoming paradise.

Sweden —
Mock him all you like Sweden -- this popular Swedish site allows people to give the Donald a blast of trump(et) -- Trump won't stop loving you.

Ireland —
Whether the problem is illegal migration from Mexico or coastal erosion in Ireland, Trump has the solution: Build a massive wall.

China —
China could be Trump's great obsession. He must've seen something there that he likes.