As director Wong Kar Wai's exclusive set photographer, Hong Kong artist Wing Shya is known for his vivid, tender images from the golden era of Hong Kong cinema, including this moment between Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung during the filming of Wong Kar Wai's masterpiece, "In the Mood For Love."

"Because of Wong Kar Wai, I met all the great actors and actresses," said Wing. Wing would continue to collaborate with many of them -- including Shu Qi (pictured above) -- on other projects.

Wing shot this still on-set of Hong Kong film director Wong Kar Wai's "Happy Together." The inexperienced young photographer showed up to set without a soundproof box for his camera -- and could only film in between takes because of the sound of shutter clicks. But the images offered a "different chemistry" between the lead actors, he said.
"It (feels) like something is going to happen, but you don't know what's happening."
"It (feels) like something is going to happen, but you don't know what's happening."

The "behind the scenes" feeling became one of Wing's signature styles. "You don't know what's going on. That creates another chemistry," he said.

Today, Wing is one of Asia's most iconic photographers, known for his raw, smoky images from the golden era of Hong Kong cinema.

Wing often became so entranced by scenes that he shot entire rolls of film that were unfocused or riddled with technical errors. But it became part of his approach as an artist — "Things are only mistakes if you think they are," he says.

Wing Shya's photographs hint at the mysteries of time gone by: his models' faces are washed in nostalgic color, obscured by shadow, often wearing expressions of longing or hidden sentiment.

The chaotic, shifting density of Hong Kong's cityscapes is a strong inspiration for Wing's work, which spans photography, graphic design, visual art, and film.

Wing often photographed actors between takes, sometimes before the lights had even been set. This snap is of the late screen legend Leslie Cheung from "Happy Together" (1997).

After working for Wong Kar Wai, Wing spent years shooting editorials for fashion magazine i-D. In this classic image, actress Shu Qi rides atop a motorcycle piloted through Hong Kong by Daniel Wu -- a cross-processed fantasy of youthful anomie.

The photographer pens film scripts for his editorial shoots -- every image has a complete, fictional backstory, which he won't reveal.

Supermodel Du Juan stares through a softly lit fish tank, lost in a pastel-colored soliloquy.

Wing began his career as a young design graduate in Canada, who decided to return to Hong Kong after classmates ridiculed the art from his hometown, he says.

He's helped to define a look that belongs uniquely to this former British colony, and inspired countless imitators.

Wing Shya has captured non-Asian stars as well, like Tilda Swinton.

"Wing Shya: Acting Out" will run Nov. 8, 2017 to Jan. 10, 2018. It is produced by independent art and culture platform FORWARD ASSEMBLY and will be held at Shanghai Center of Photography.

"When you look at a photograph, you should see a life there," he says. "I've been playing with these methods for years."