Chuck Hadad

Senior Producer, Anderson Cooper 360°

Chuck Hadad is an Emmy Award-winning journalist and senior producer for?Anderson Cooper 360°.
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Chuck Hadad is an eight-time Emmy Award-winning journalist and senior producer for?Anderson Cooper 360°.

In his 25-year-career with CNN, Hadad has reported on nearly every major story of his generation: 9/11, the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, Hurricane Katrina, the 2008 financial collapse, the Sandy Hook massacre, the Boston bombing, the Coronavirus pandemic, and the Israel-Hamas war, to name a few.

Along the way, he’s covered six presidential elections, weathered hurricanes, investigated drug cartels, and field produced for Anderson Cooper during some of the most consequential moments of his nearly 20 years with?AC 360°.

Hadad has produced a number of CNN documentaries including?The Parkland Diaries,?The Pulse of Orlando,?The Bully Effect,?Witnessed: the Crash of TWA Flight 800, and?The Survivor Diaries.

He also helped lead a team coordinating scientific research on social issues which produced the findings into investigative week-long Emmy Award-winning series, including?#Being13: Inside the Secret World of Teens?and?Kids on Race: the Hidden Picture.

Hadad’s first news mentor was his father, the late veteran journalist and celebrated essayist Herbert Hadad.?He graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in English, and is a proud resident of Brooklyn.