Trump hit on three key issues early on during his CPAC speech – and took a shot at House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff, calling him ‘Shifty Schiff”:
The Green New Deal: “I encourage it, I think it’s really something that they should promote, they should work hard on. It’s something our country needs desperately, they have to go out and get it, but I’ll take the other side of the argument only because I’m mandated to. But they should stay with that argument, never change. No planes, no energy, when the wind stops blowing, that’s the end of your electric … Is the wind blowing today? I’d like to watch television.”
Asking Russia to get Hillary Clinton’s emails: “If you tell a joke, if you’re sarcastic, if you’re having fun with audience, if you’re on live television with millions of people and 25,000 people in an arena, and if you say something like, ‘Russia, please if you can, get us Hillary Clinton’s emails! Please, Russia, please! Please get us the emails, please!’”
The crowd then broke into a chant of “Lock her up!”
“So everybody’s having a good time,” he continued. “I’m laughing, we’re all having fun, and then that fake CNN and others say, ‘he asked Russia to go get the emails.’”
House Democrats’ Russian investigation: Republican Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan “fight so hard on this witch hunt, this phony deal that they put together, this phony thing that now looks like it’s dying. So they don’t have anything with Russia, there is no collusion. So now they go and morph into, let’s inspect every deal he’s ever done. We’re going to go into his finances, we’re going to check his deals…These people are sick. I saw little Shifty Schiff yesterday, it’s the first time. We went into a meeting and he said, ‘we’re going to look into his finances.’ I said, ‘where did that come from?’ You always talked about Russia, collusion with Russia, the collusion delusion.”