Hotor Car Trash Can

It’s no secret the inside of your car can get pretty gross. From morning coffee runs and fast food debris to those random receipts and wrappers that end up underneath your seat, trash is a constant problem. That’s why I absolutely love the Hotor Car Trash Can. It’s a convenient and leak-proof way to dispose of garbage on the go. Oh, and it’s only $10.

Prime Day Deal
This cheap trash can helps you keep your car from turning into a disaster. It’s stable, convenient and leak-proof, giving you a worry-free way to tidy up your car.

How I found the Hotor Car Trash Can

A few months ago I drove a Budget truck from New York City to Boulder, Colorado, to move across the country. Before the drive, I was researching products that might make the gruesome cross-country drive a bit more bearable. I would be basically alone in the truck for eight or more hours per day, so I was looking for anything that’d help.

On top of phone mounts and lumbar support, one of the gems I came across was the Hotor Car Trash Can. I knew I’d be stopping at gas stations all the time to pick up coffee, snacks and more coffee, so a car garbage can sounded like a good idea. Plus, this 2-gallon can from Hotor was only $10, so I figured I’d give it a try.

After using it in the truck during the move and for months since in my normal car, I can confidently say I love this little trash can. It mounts easily, holds plenty of garbage and really helps keep my vehicle clean.

Why it’s a score

You might think you don’t need a car garbage can and that the plastic grocery bag hanging from your passenger seat headrest works well enough. I’m here to tell you you’re wrong. Hotor’s can is much more reliable, stable and, while it’s not gorgeous, it’s definitely a more aesthetically appealing option than a limp plastic bag.

Hotor Car Trash Can

The main feature that makes the Hotor Car Trash Can so great is its stability and sturdiness. It comes with little bits of plastic that you can insert beneath the handles of the trash can to give it structure. This makes it a lot easier to get your waste through the top opening, especially when you’re keeping your eyes on the road.

The Hotor trash can is also completely waterproof on the inside, so even if you toss a half-full drink in there, it won’t leak through the bottom into your upholstery. We’ve tossed all sorts of cans and bottles inside and even poured water straight into it to test its waterproofness. Not a single drop came through. The top obviously has an opening so be careful of spillage when you’re removing the can from your car, but the bottom won’t leak.

Hotor Car Trash Can interior

Another perk of this can is how easy it is to mount. The Hotor trash can has a simple, buckled strap, so you can place it in a few different places around your vehicle. I like it attached to the center console so everyone in the car has easy access, but it can also go on the back of a headrest or basically anywhere else you can loop a strap. It comes in 2-gallon and 3-gallon sizes (I empty out the 2-gallon about once every two months) and multiple colors; has a couple small, built-in storage pockets; and comes with two mini garbage bags.

The Hotor Car Trash Can might not be turning heads, but it’s made a big difference in my life. It’s got a simple job and it performs it well. My car is cleaner thanks to the little can, and for $10, I can’t ask for much more.