Washington CNN  — 

The collection of excerpts below from Robert Mueller’s report represent, in CNN’s finding, the special counsel’s documentation of lies, false assertions, misleading omissions, contradictory statements and incorrect information passed from President Donald Trump and his associates to the American public and authorities. Each of these below was highlighted by Mueller in the redacted version of his report released April 18.

READ:The Mueller report: A catalog of 77 Trump team lies and falsehoods

CNN’s approach to analyzing the statements was this: Every time Mueller documented a questionable claim– even if it was the same potential falsehood told again and again—we counted it. This includes lies to investigators and to Congress, who represent the public. CNN did not include efforts on the part of the White House to get other administration officials to lie, of which Mueller notes several instances.

Sometimes, Mueller lays it out cold, saying a person asserted something “falsely.” At other times, Mueller describes a cascade of assertions – often by the President, only to pull back later to say that “substantial evidence” contradicts the statements. On a few occasions, Mueller couldn’t determine the truth – but outlines how at least one person among a group must have been, as they gave contradictory retellings of events. In its analysis, CNN counted instances where Mueller noted multiple people giving different versions of events as one false assertion each.

Others were lies of omission, or involved wrong information given initially to investigators and then corrected, sometimes with consequence, sometimes without.

In all, Mueller’s effort may be the first comprehensive finding by a federal investigator to document the lies and false assertions to the American public told by the Trump campaign and administration.

There are 77 in all, CNN found.

Comey firing and fallout (1-13)

Attempts to fire Mueller (14-15)

#14 - (The White House)

Flynn’s calls with Kislyak (16-22)

Michael Flynn - (#18)

Payments to women (23)

#23 - (Michael Cohen)

Carter Page and the campaign (24)

Additional contacts with Russians (25-33)

Michael Caputo and Henry Greenberg - (#28)

Presidential pardons (34-35)

#34 - (Donald Trump)

Russian hacks and WikiLeaks (36-37)

#36 - (Jerome Corsi)

Trump Tower meeting (38-46)

#38 - (Michael Cohen and Donald Trump Jr.)

Trump Tower Moscow (47-77)

CNN’s Caroline Kelly, Nicky Robertson, Brian Rokus, Em Steck, and Tal Yellin contributed to this report.