Mongolia is one of the world's flattest and most sparsely-populated countries. The vast plains served as a makeshift golf course for two intrepid travelers.

Amateur golfer Adam Rolston (right) and Ron Rutland, serving as his caddy, played the world's longest hole of golf across Mongolia. Rutland pulled a specially-designed cart with their supplies, while Rolston hit the shots.

It took 80 days and 20,093 shots -- a mere 6,093 over what they thought would be par. The journey was intended to raise money for Laureus Sport for Good.

The pair found themselves in the company of a stray dog which they named UB after the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar.

UB became a trusty companion for the whole journey, following golfer and caddy all the way across Mongolia.

Rutland and Rolston quickly discovered that the varied Mongolian landscape was a far cry from your average golf course.

The extreme temperatures meant the pair had to play during the cooler hours of the day.

At the start of the journey, they encountered extreme weather in Mongolia's mountainous region on the Chinese border.

They started on the country's highest mountain -- Khüiten Peak -- and descended onto flatter plans.

Here, the weather was considerably warmer and drier.

The three travelers take a break in the Mongolian sun.

There was plenty of snow and ice to contend with during a recce trip.

Rolston practiced hitting a large volume of shots, hardening his hands to stop blisters. On the way to his world record, he hit an average of 250 shots a day.