Cruise liner Queen Mary 2 arrived in western France, on June 24, 2017. It was the day before the start of The Bridge 2017, a transatlantic race between the vessel and the world's fastest trimarans from Saint-Nazaire, France to New York. It was part of an event to mark 100 years since American troops arrived in France during World War One.

Yves Le Blevec was the skipper aboard one of the trimarans for Team Actual. The race itself took place over 3,152 miles (5,837 km.)

Sodebo (bottom,) the trimaran led by French skipper Thomas Coville, and Macif, captained by Francois Gabart, pictured on the start line.

The fourth trimaran was Idec Sport, skippered Francis Joyon.

The regatta was organized to commemorate the centenary of the first arrival of American troops on the French coasts in June 1917.

The QM2 finished the transatlantic journey in five and a half days, taking a more direct course than the trimarans at an average speed of 22.67 knots. The cruise liner was completed in 2002 and weighs nearly 150,000 tonnes. It has a capacity of nearly 2,700 passengers.

Gabart (C) celebrates with teammates on board Macif after passing under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge finish line in New York. Macif completed the journey in eight days, 31 minutes and 20 seconds, sailing at an average speed of 18.61 knots.

The scene aboard the QM2 as it arrived in New York on July 1.

Idec crossed the finish line four hours after Macif, in a time of eight days, 11 hours, nine minutes and three seconds.

Sodebo sailed home in third place.