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Updated 8:08 PM EDT, Sat March 26, 2016
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emily eisenman intv bart migom dead brussels attack good friday sot_00005829.jpg
Victim's girlfriend finds hope after boyfriend's death
01:10 - Source: CNN

Story highlights

Emily Eisenman learned Friday that her boyfriend, Bart Migom, died in the Brussels attacks

Migom was on a train to the Brussels airport, en route to Athens, Georgia, where Eisenman lives

The last message that Eisenman got from Migom was a text that he was on the train, headed for the airport

CNN  — 

Hope turned to heartbreak for Emily Eisenman as she learned of the death of her boyfriend Bart Migom in the Brussels terror attacks.

Migom, 21, a Belgian national, was confirmed dead Friday, according to family members. He was on his way to Athens, Georgia, where Eisenman lives, on the day of the attacks this week.

“Today has been the worst day of my life,” Eisenman said through tears.

Eisenman said her boyfriend called her before boarding a train to the Brussels airport Tuesday morning. The last she heard from him was a text message saying he was on the train. After days of waiting, the sad news came in a phone call from Migom’s mother. His body was identified by family members at a Brussels hospital.

“The good news is that he didn’t suffer, he didn’t have any pain,” Eisenman told CNN.

Brussels victims: Grief for the lost, hope for the missing

According to Eisenman, Migom was killed in the immediate blast.

“I’m glad he didn’t have to know what was going on, that he didn’t wonder what his family was thinking or what I was thinking, maybe somewhere alone, suffering, hurting, I’m very grateful he didn’t experience any of that,” she said.

Brussels attack survivors tell their stories

Eisenman says faith is something she and Migom shared and she told CNN it is how she is finding comfort through her grief.

“There was an abundant amount of peace that rained over me and I only know that it was from Jesus,” she said. “I thought yesterday, what would I do if I found out that he passed, I told myself that I couldn’t handle it, there was no way on Earth that I could handle that news – but the moment that I heard, I just felt Jesus more than I ever had,” she said.

The couple met last year on a health and fitness retreat in the United States. Eisenberg said she still remembers the exact date they started dating, October 29.

“He’s such a heroic figure in my eyes, he’d put himself last for anybody,” she said.

Migom is one of the at least 28 people who were killed during Tuesday’s terror attack. Three hundred more were injured. On Friday U.S. officials confirmed that two Americans were are among the dead. They remained unidentified Friday night.