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Updated 7:18 AM EST, Fri January 29, 2016
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skier falls 1000 feet orig mg_00010904.jpg
Skier falls 1,000 feet
01:09 - Source: CNN

Story highlights

Angel Collinson survives 1000ft fall down mountain in Alaska

Skier escaped with only minor bruises and two jammed fingers

Collinson calls the tumble, which was caught on camera, "terrifying"

CNN  — 

This is the terrifying moment a champion skier tumbles 1,000ft down an Alaskan mountain before coming to a stop and breathlessly shouting to her support crew: “I’m OK, I’m fine.”

Angel Collinson, a 26-year-old freeskier from Utah, was filming a movie in the Neacola Mountains, southwest of Anchorage, when she hit an icy patch and careered out of control.

But despite cartwheeling down the slopes for around half a minute she escaped with nothing more than bruises and a couple of “jammed fingers.”

“The fall was absolutely terrifying – without question,” she said in a statement released by Teton Gravity Research, the company who made the film.

“You have no idea what you are going to tumble over and there is basically nothing you can do but hang on.”

“This was definitely a learning experience for me. Maybe 99 times out of 100, you can ski through that terrain, but when it does go wrong, it’s more high consequence.”

Collinson, who has won a clutch of awards including Best Female Freeride Performance at the International Freeskiing Film Festival, said she was having an off day on the slopes prior to her plunge.

Once she realized she wasn’t going to be stopping any time soon, she said she covered her head with her arms and held on until she came to a stop.

“I think I could have pulled it off in a different circumstance,” she told an audience at the International Pro Riders’ Workshop.

“It’s hard to know … that feeling in your gut, of like, when you’re just like a little bit nervous and when you really just don’t feel like you’re on,” she added.

“I was feeling pretty good about it when I decided to pull the trigger and do it. As you can see I started skiing it, there were pretty variable skiing conditions.

“I got really lucky, I jammed two fingers and that was it. Other than that I was totally fine.”

See: Jaw-dropping crashes at world’s most dangerous ski race