The do's and don'ts of courting the Latino vote —
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump caused an uproar Tuesday when he had well-known Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos removed from the room and later called him a "very emotional person" after Ramos failed to yield when Trump wanted to take a question from a different reporter. Click through the gallery to see who gets it and who doesn't in courting the Latino vote.

The do's and don'ts of courting the Latino vote —
There's a fine line to walk in courting Latino voters; there's a difference between reaching out and pandering. Former congressman and New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner didn't win any votes when he appeared at a Dominican Day Parade last year wearing bright red pants, a guayabera -- a men's shirt popular in Latin America -- and running around with a bullhorn.

The do's and don'ts of courting the Latino vote —
Don't be perceived as a sellout: Tea party darling Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, shown here at the 2012 Republican National Convention, is said to have alienated some Latinos outside his native Florida with positions they consider extreme.

The do's and don'ts of courting the Latino vote —
Don't underestimate immigration as an issue: Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney missed the inclusiveness memo when he promoted a self-deportation policy unpopular with many Latinos. He's shown here in Florida, a swing state with a large Latino population, a month before the 2012 presidential election.

The do's and don'ts of courting the Latino vote —
Do learn Spanish: As a candidate, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio scored points with many Latino voters with his Spanish fluency.

The do's and don'ts of courting the Latino vote —
Do court the Latino vote by listening: During his 2013 re-election bid, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie spent a lot of time in communities with large Latino populations. He won 51% of the Latino vote, which traditionally tends to vote Democratic.

The do's and don'ts of courting the Latino vote —
Don't fake it: California Republican gubernatorial candidate Tim Donnelly and the Latina actress he featured in a controversial campaign ad only managed to get an onslaught of criticism from the Latino community.

The do's and don'ts of courting the Latino vote —
Do genuinely try to relate: Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a Republican turned independent, could barely speak a lick of Spanish, but his oftentimes hilarious attempts endeared him to the city's Spanish-speaking residents. He's shown here at the Puerto Rican Day Parade on June 10, 2012.