Light fantastic —
Arena da Amazonia - an artist's impression of what the stadium in Manaus will look like once complete.

Construction race —
Construction continues at the Arena da Amazonia in June 2013.

World Cup deadline —
The exterior of the stadium that will host games for the 2014 World Cup.

Stadium overseer —
Miguel Capobiango Neto, the man who is overseeing the World Cup preparations for the city of Manaus.

Unique city —
Manaus sits on the banks of the Rio Negro river, an important source of food and transportation.

Fish and more fish —
A busy fish market in Manaus, a city that consumes more fish per person per year than the entire rest of Brazil, and includes fish from the Rio Negro and Amazon Rivers not found in any other part of the world.

Fish market —
The port outside the fish market. Ships come from surrounding river regions at all hours of the day and night, offloading tons of fish for sale.

Amazon tribes —
Indigenous tribes still dot the Amazon rainforest surrounding the city of Manaus.

Amazon life —
A hut belonging to indigenous tribe along the Rio Negro river.

Opera house —
Manaus' famous opera house, built in the late 1800s, stands out in the city skyline.