Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, is joined by her son Jahvaris Fulton as she speaks to the crowd during a rally in New York City, Saturday, July 20. A jury in Florida acquitted Zimmerman of all charges related to the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. View photos of key moments from the trial.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Protesters attend a rally in support of Trayvon Martin, in New York on July 20. The Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network organized the "'Justice for Trayvon' 100 city vigil" which called supporters to gather in front of federal buildings around the country on July 20, as a continued protest against the George Zimmerman verdict.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
The Rev. Al Sharpton speaks to the crowd during the rally in New York City on July 20.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Beyoncé, left, and Jay-Z, center, arrive at the rally in New York City on July 20.

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Thousands of people gathered outside the Richard B. Russell Federal Building in downtown Atlanta as part of the network of vigils on July 20.

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A chalk outline, a bag of Skittles, and a can of iced tea are seen during the vigil outside the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse in Washington, D.C., on July 20.

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Protesters march across the Brooklyn Bridge toward Brooklyn after attending the rally in Manhattan on July 20.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Tracy Martin, father of Trayvon Martin, poses for a photo with supporters wearing hoodies at the rally in Miami on July 20.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Protesters march through the streets of downtown Los Angeles, on Tuesday, July 16, during a demonstration of the George Zimmerman trial.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
The Rev. Al Sharpton calls for a full federal investigation of the Martin killing, saying mere remarks by President Barack Obama and others weren't enough, outside the U.S. Justice Department in Washington on July 16.

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A passenger takes a picture of protesters as he rides a city bus on July 16 in Los Angeles.

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Protesters confront police officers on Monday, July 15, in Los Angeles.

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Leon McCutchin participates in a candlelight vigil for Martin on July 15 in New York City.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
A large group of demonstrators march through downtown Atlanta on July 15 during a protest of the acquittal of George Zimmerman.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Outside the Department of Justice in Washington on July 15, Rev. Anthony Evans, president of the National Black Church Initiative, leads a prayer during a demonstration asking for justice for Trayvon Martin.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Residents of Sanford, Florida, attend a prayer vigil to promote peace and unity in their city in the wake of the George Zimmerman trial on July 15.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
About 500 demonstrators gather during a rally and march in support of Trayvon Martin on July 15 in Birmingham, Alabama.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
A man argues with a police officer as supporters of Trayvon Martin march while blocking traffic in Union Square in New York on Sunday, July 14.

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A man throws a trashcan during a protest in Oakland, California, on July 14.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
People gather at a rally honoring Trayvon Martin at Union Square in New York on July 14.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Demonstrators march following a rally at the Torch of Freedom in downtown Miami on July 14.

Photos: Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Police hold positions on I-10 in Los Angeles. Protesters walked onto the freeway, stopping traffic, on July 14.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
A protester shouts in the streets of New York on July 13.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
A man in Los Angeles wears a shirt in support of Trayvon Martin on July 13.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Tanetta Foster cries in front of the courthouse on July 13 after hearing the verdict.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
A Trayvon Martin supporter rallies outside the courthouse on July 13. After Martin's death, protesters started wearing hoodies in solidarity against racial profiling.

Reaction to Zimmerman verdict —
Demonstrators and members of the media gather outside of the courthouse on July 13. The jurors deliberated for more than 16 hours before delivering their verdict.