In memory of Simoncelli —
Mourners lay flowers in Marco Simoncelli's hometown of Coriano as a sign of their respect for the former Honda rider.

Remembering an idol —
Motorsport fans gather outside the theater in the Italian town. The 24-year-old MotoGP rider died following a crash in Malaysia on Sunday.

A last goodbye —
People queue to see Simoncelli's coffin and pay their final respects to their late hero.

In the words of Simoncelli ... —
Simoncelli was loved for his colorful quotes, and his down-to-earth style. "Once I went to train on a motocross bike track. At the entrance the attendant recognized me, smiled, and started to ask questions: 'Are you Simoncelli? The famous rider? The one from MotoGP?' I answered so proud: 'Yep, that's me.' And him: 'Thirty euros!'"

In the words of Simoncelli ... —
"I decided to take my license for bikes, because I was tired of going around only with 125cc bikes. I was so happy with my new driving license. After two days it was already revoked..."

In the words of Simoncelli ... —
"There is this legend about all drivers, I mean, having affairs with umbrella girls. But I never got one ... Because they arrive in the morning when, oh Mary, when you are so tense for the race, and you don't think so much about chicks, you are focused on the race. Then when the race is over and maybe it went good and, oh Mary, and you are high and maybe you want to party ... well they have already left, and you stay there by yourself."

In the words of Simoncelli ... —
"I feel like a pig at Christmas."

In the words of Simoncelli ... —
"Okay, sometimes I cut my hair, but only when they break my balls."

In the words of Simoncelli ... —
"I see some friends of mine finishing school, and not even they know what to do of their life, whether to go university or to work. But I think that one thing that helps us live in a more daring way is to have a target. It can be whatever, sport or job. But Good Lord if you have in mind a target, something to reach, I believe that helps you carry on fearlessly."

In the words of Simoncelli ... —
"I was 14 years old and I was riding my dad's big scooter up and down the path to home. And my mom was so worried: 'Good Lord, slow down, your aunt will arrive on the other side, take care.' Me, what do I care about my aunt ... So I was going full speed down. The aunt arrived ... I only had the time to see the white outline of her Opel appearing. I had the quickness of reflex to hit her car head on."